
Thursday, June 18, 2015



 Zeolite:  Zeolite are generally used to remove the toxic gases like Hydrogen sulphide, Ammonia etc. from the pond bottom.  There are about 50 types of zeolite available.  Pore size and crystal structure of the zeolite plays the role of ionic exchange to absorb the toxic gases.  Therefore, the usage of zeolite and its efficacy in salt water environment is questionable.  However, based on the information available, the committee suggested the following; percentage composition of the zeolite.
  CaO (15-18%);            Al2O3(18-22%);             SiO2(60-65%)
Oxidants:  This is used in pond preparation initially, to reduce the organic load.  The following standards are recommended by the Committee for various oxidants now under use in shrimp farming.
  i.Calcium Hypochlorite: Should contain 30% of available chlorine
  ii. Hydrogen Peroxide: Strength should not be less than 35% of H2O2
  iii.Potassium Permanganate (KMnO4): Should be of IP (Indian Pharmacopoeia) Grade.

Liming materials: Compounds used as liming materials in general contain either calcium or calcium and magnesium associated with an anion that will neutralize acidity.  Most commonly used liming materials are (1) CaCO3 (Calcite – agricultural limestone), (2) CaO (Quick lime) (3) Ca (OH)2 (Calcium hydroxide – slaked lime) (4) CaMg(CO3)2 (dolomite).  All should be of agricultural grade
  i.Lime stone:  Should contain not less than 60% CaCO3
  ii.Hydrated Lime:  Should contain not less than 75% Ca(OH)2,
  iii.Quick Lime:  Should contain not less than 65% CaO
  iv.Dolomite:  Should contain Ca, Mg, CO3 at the ratio of 1:1:1 and the particle size should be smaller than 60 µm in all cases.
  NOTE: Regarding the particle size, limestone powder passing through the 60-mesh sieve (0.25 mm in size) are rated 100% efficient, those passing through the 20-mesh sieve (0.855 mm) and retained on the 60 mesh sieve are rated 60% efficient.  Those passing through the 8 mesh sieve (2.36mm) are rated 0% efficient.
  Facility for testing: CIFT can test the contents of the above items.
  Different brands of antibiotics are available in India.  Although the specific dose against each microorganism is not available, farmers are using broad spectrum antibiotic and mixtures as per the dose indicated by the manufacturers.  The committee felt that antibiotics should not be used, and if at all used as a therapeutic agent, with specific dosage, the products should corform to Indian IP Standards and a retrieval period should be allowed before the harvest.
  Facility for testing: CDRI, Lucknow and CFTRI, Mysore.  Labs of MPEDA/EIA/CIBA etc. can also be used once they equip with the instruments for testing.
  Different varieties are available in the market.  The committee recommended the following disinfectants for use in aquaculture
  i. Iodine: IP grade
  ii.Benalkonium Chloride (BKC): LR grade
  iii.Formaldehyde (Containing 40% formalin): LR Grade
  iv.Chloramine T: LR Grade
  Facility for testing: CIFT Kochi
  The committee suggested to use only Copper sulphate as Algicide.  Both Copper Sulphate and Chelating agent (Like EDTA) should be of IP grade.
  The committee recommended the following standards for the eradicators to be used in aquaculture
  i.Tea Seed Cake: Should contain 7-10(%) Saponin
  ii.Mahua Oil Cake: Should contain 5-7% Saponin
  iii.Derris Root powder: Should contain 8-10% Rotenone
  Testing facility: CIFT, CIBA may test the contents.

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