
Monday, June 29, 2015

Aquaculture Workshop conducted by CLFMA of India and USSEC

The Compound Feed Manufacturers Association (CLFMA) of India and the U S Soybean Export Council (USSEC) conducted an aquaculture workshop here today focusing on Embracing Technology for Aquaculture Development.
The Workshop titled Embracing Technology for Aquaculture Development is one of those continuous knowledge-providing exercises that the organizations had thought of. The focus was to drive aquaculture development in West Bengal.
The main objective was to convince the industry to invest in technology and improve efficiency, productivity and cater to the end result which is supply of more protein for human consumption. The Workshop had two parts.
The first one focused on fish farming and the second one on shrimp farming. Two-three lead presentations each for fish and shrimp sectors captured status and opened up new technology pathways so that the audience and policy makers became knowledgeable on those aspects.
USSEC (primarily known for bringing about successful market changes worldwide) had selected few renowned India experts in the fish and shrimp fields who shared their views and advise on road maps that West Bengal should take to adopt technology and grow further. Each of the resource persons were engaged with respective industry sectors, thus possessing hands on experience for many years.
The total Livestock Association Business in India is worth 5.5 lac crore and I strongly believe, that the day-long, strategically structured workshop will yield the desired results, motivate entrepreneurs and planners to accept and adopt methodologies that will mutually be beneficial to all aquaculture stakeholders in the state of West Bengal. Our efforts together will ensure that the Eastern Region which is one of the Prime areas in India for Aquaculture is vigilantly looked after more, he said.MORE UNI BM AY RJ PR2305

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