
Thursday, June 18, 2015


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Freshwater Prawn:
Macrobrachium rosenbergii
M. malcolmsoni
Present productionCulture: 3900 MT
Major marketsEuropean Union,Japan,United States of America.
Present exportsQty: 1909 MT Value: Rs. 870.8Cr
Status of TechnologyBoth hatchery technology as well as farming technology available . Commercial culture being carried out in 10,000 ha farm

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Marine Prawn:
Penaeus monodon
P. indicus
P. semisulcatus
P. merguiensis
Present productionCulture: 82,600 MT
Major marketsJapan, United States, European Union
Present exportsQty: 1,02,424 MT
Value:Rs. 3344 Cr.
Status of TechnologyHatchery and farming technology is well established commercially. About 250 hatcheries, and over 1,40,000 ha farms are in operation.

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Mud Crab:
Scylla serrata
S. oceanica
S. tranquebarica
Present productionCulture: Negligible
Major marketsSingapore, Hongkon, Japan
Present exportsLive:Qty: 1948 MT,Value: Rs. 33.8 Cr.
Frozen:Qty: 556 MT
Value: Rs. 8.4 Cr.
Stuffed crab:Qty : 343 MT,Value: Rs. 4.0 Cr.
Status of TechnologyHatchery and Nursery technology is not established commercially. Farming in the form of fattening is being attempted.

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Panulirus homarus
Present productionNegligible
Major marketsJapan, Italy, USA
Present exportsLive: Qty: 160 MT,Value: Rs. 11.5 Cr.
:Qty: 1233 MT,Value: Rs. 45.90Cr
Status of TechnologyBoth hatchery and farming technology is in the infant stage.

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Lates calcarifer
Present productionCulture : Negligible
Major marketsPhilippines, Singapore, Thailand, Hongkong
Present exportsNegligible
Status of TechnologyBoth hatchery and culture technology yet to be developed in India.

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Groupers:Epinephelus tauvina
Present productionCulture: Negligible
Major marketsSouth east Asia
Present exportsNil
Status of TechnologyTechnology not available in India. Experiments on.

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Mussels:Perna viridis
P. indica
Present productionCulture:Negligible
Major marketsFrance, Belgium, Italy, Netherlands,UK
Present exportsNegligible
Status of TechnologyRope and Raft culture technology available in the country.

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Clams:Meretrix casta
Paphia malabarica,
Anadora granosa
Villorita cyprinoides
Present productionCulture: Negligible
Major marketsJapan, Thailand, Spain, France.
Present exportsQty: 145 MT
Value: Rs. 0.94 Cr.
Status of TechnologyHatchery and farming technology is reported to be developed in the labs. Adoption in the commercial scale yet to take place.

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Tilapia:Red (hybrid) Tilapia
Present productionNil
Major marketsUSA
Present exportsNil
Status of TechnologyTechnology for breeding to be imported. So also the fry will have to be imported.

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